Credits: 100 Proof Press, naked devil,Poe head; Stamping Ground: hallway with doors; I Love Rubber Stamps, skeleton on steps, mummy, grim reaper, Come and Get it witch; Zettiology, death, pointing guy, guy in elephant hat; Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers, vampire body; Stampers Anonymous, very sick snail man; Stamp Out cute, little russian man; Commotion, troll; Artful Illusions, wafting kettle; DJ Inkers, bubbling kettle; PSX, three witches' heads. I drew the confused dwarf and had him and the fool from one of Ford's fairy books made into rubber stamps.
I've very much enjoyed working on the faux scrapbook pages and am very glad the story is done!!
You ball has been a JOY to look at and follow. LOVE the captions on the photos, lol!!!
Another fabulous page, I have so enjoyed your little Monster Ball story. :)
that is truly awesome! love it!!
Mindblowingly awesome - this has been a wonderful creation to follow. Love the hilarious end tale :-D xxxx
I have enjoyed looking at your ball layouts awesome work
Luv Jane xxx
Your funny, going to the men's room, due to poisoned brew from the witches! Too funny!
I think it's awesome that you drew that confused dwarf and then had him and the fool made into rubber stamps that is so wild and cool!!!!
I love your project, I love all of the images! And how you arranged them all, digging your "colouring" too!! Just brilliant work Lady!!
What a great finale! I love that Poe got in there! You did such an awesome job of fitting everything together - I don't know HOW you did it! I love seeing all your stamps in a new way - fun, fun, fun!
I am so totally bowled over by this whole creation! what a wonderful, clever, imaginative and creative idea!!
ROTFLMAO! This has been such a fun read. Fabulous project. xxD
Your creation is beautiful and so cool!
Your ball was a HUGE hit!!!! I loved it and will remember it for a long, long time!!! I bet it felt good to use a bunch of your stamps again!!!!! Beautiful!!!!
This was such a pleasure to view and read, Sharon! Loved ALL of the Monsters' Ball, especially the prank - how clever & funny!
I love your faux scrapbook, what a wonderful idea!
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